Greek Exegesis: James

GREK 601

Explore the Greek Exegesis: James course and what you can expect to learn through the semester.


Accredited by HLC & ABHE


$440 per credit hour

Course Overview

Greek Exegesis: James consists of translation and exegetical analysis in Greek of the Epistle to the James, with special attention to how syntactical structures contribute to semantic analysis.



Professor: Dr. Stephen Smith

Assignment Overview

Weekly readings are assigned.

Each week the professor meets with the class via live synchronous Google Hangout to discuss the material assigned for that week.

Students will translate and analyze the Greek text of James.

Students will write one major exegetical paper, approximately 17-20 pages.

Intended Outcomes

Knowledge of

  • The contents and syntactical characteristics of the letter of James.
  • The components and uses of a standard critical Greek NT apparatus.
  • The range of scholarly opinion on a selected text, including its exegetical and pragmatic dimensions.

Appreciation for

  • Structural diagramming as a means to sharpen one’s understanding of an author’s argument in epistolary literature.
  • The role played by the elements of New Testament exegesis.

Ability to

  • Write an exegetical paper that demonstrates familiarity with the whole range of exegetical skills.
  • Show evidence of advanced skill in analyzing the case, tense, participle, infinitive, and article uses of Koine Greek.
  • Use arcing to diagram a passage’s thought flow in Greek.