Interpreting and Teaching Revelation (English Bible)
PRTH 581
Explore the Interpreting and Teaching Revelation (English Bible) course and what you can expect to learn through the semester.
Course Overview
A study of the message of the Book of Revelation within its historical, cultural, and literary contexts. Particular emphasis is given to understanding its theology and how Christians today can hear what the Spirit is saying to the churches and faithfully follow the Lamb.
This class will use an English translation of Revelation. Knowledge of Greek is not required.
- See the current booklist.
Professor: Dr. Stephen Smith
Assignment Overview
Video lectures (both pre-recorded and synchronous real-time interaction via Google Hangouts) and auxiliary materials will supplement the class textbooks to ensure that you are adequately exposed to the necessary information.
Readings are assigned to expose students to the course content, and they will have opportunity to interact with the readings.
Weekly homework assignments guide students through the various course materials and provide a space to grow in their understanding and appropriation of the Book of Revelation.
Students will write a book review of deSilva’s Unholy Allegiances and reflect on how the theological message of Revelation makes a difference in the world we live in today.
Students will be able to choose assignments from three tracks.
- The Academic track will allow students to interact more deeply with contemporary scholarship on Revelation and engage critical issues for interpretation, including the book’s structure and symbolism.
- The Ministry track will enable students to develop materials for sermons and Bible studies from Revelation that are relevant and directly applicable in the local church setting.
- The Personal Development track will guide students in exploring how the message of Revelation intersects with our daily lives, including what following the Lamb and conquering the Dragon looks like in the 21st century.
Intended Outcomes
Knowledge of
- a structural outline of Revelation and individual chapter content so you have acquaintance with the whole as well as the parts.
- major interpretive issues that are important for interpreting Revelation.
- how your eschatological framework (premillennial, amillennial, postmillennial) and hermeneutical approach to the book (preterist, futurist, historicist, idealist, eclectic) affects your interpretation and application of Revelation.
Appreciation for
- answering Revelation’s fundamental question of whom you will worship by wholeheartedly following the Lamb wherever he goes.
- the variety of interpretive perspectives that people bring to Revelation and be able to engage with others in an irenic and
- the charitable manner that enables both them and you to better grasp the theological message of the book.
Ability to
- provide a good overview of the commentaries and other study resources available for the Book of Revelation and be equipped to continue your lifelong study of this fascinating book.
- articulate how Revelation is related to the rest of the biblical canon, especially the Old Testament scriptures to which it continually refers.
- discuss the various genres of Revelation, including prophecy, apocalypse, and epistle, and know how to use appropriate hermeneutical principles for interpreting each section of the book and explaining it to others.