biblical hermeneutics
BITH 580
Explore the Biblical Hermeneutics course and what you can expect to learn through the semester.
Course Overview
Biblical Hermeneutics examines the principles and practice of biblical interpretation as well as the primary tools of biblical research.
The student will become acquainted with the history of interpretation, contemporary hermeneutical approaches, and a defense of the literal-historical-grammatical approach.
Hermeneutical strategies for interpreting various literary genres, analyzing structural relationships, performing word studies, and developing principles for accurate practical application will be learned.
- See the current booklist.
Professor: Dr. Stephen Smith
Assignment Overview
Along with the textbook reading, there are readings and prerecorded video lectures in topics of interest for biblical interpretation, as well as weekly live synchronous video class meetings to facilitate accomplishing the objectives above.
In weekly homework assignments, students work with various genres and interpretive topics to hone their interpretation skills. Here are just a few examples.
- Relationships between biblical, systematic, historical, and practical/pastoral theology
- Parables
- Apocalyptic literature
- Slavery in the Bible
Intended Outcomes
You will appreciate
- The importance of continuing to grow and develop in a personal relationship with God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit through diligent study and application of the Word of God.
- The responsibility we have to accurately handle God’s Word and interpret it to the best of our abilities.
You will be able to
- Demonstrate your appropriation of hermeneutical knowledge by applying it to particular passage of Scripture in a way that is consistent and faithful to the whole of Scripture.
- Apply the principles of hermeneutics to any of the Bible’s various genres and understand the principles and interpretive keys for each of them.
You will understand
- The nature of Scripture and hermeneutical approaches that are appropriate for interpreting it.
- Descriptions for the various biblical genres (i.e., prophecy, narrative, parable, etc.) and the proper methodologies to use for understanding each genre.