Integration of Christian Faith and Counseling Theory

PRTH 530

Explore the Integration of Christian Faith and Counseling Theory course and what you can expect to learn through the semester.


Accredited by HLC & ABHE


$440 per credit hour

Course Overview

An investigation of the various perspectives on the integration of Christian faith and counseling theory.

Contemporary counseling theories will be presented and evaluated in light of an explicitly Christian theological framework.


Having now taken two graduate courses in counseling through God’s Bible School, I have a far greater and more stable foundation upon which to counsel parishioners and others seeking help.

Student Testimonial

Professor: Dr. Andrew Graham

Assignment Overview

Regularly assigned textbook and article readings.

Weekly discussion forums on prompt question offered by the professor.

Weekly live synchronous video class meetings.

Three integration papers based on the three main textbooks.

Pre- and post-course reflection papers.

Intended Outcomes

You will appreciate

  • The superior explanatory and evaluative power that a Christian understanding of people provides over non-Christian understandings.
  • The fact that theology makes a difference, informing and enriching the practice of counseling.

You will be able to

  • Explain the strengths and weaknesses of each of the five views of the relationship between psychology and Christianity.
  • Conceptualize counseling cases in a theologically-sensitive framework.
  • Successfully defend a comprehensive theoretical approach to Christian counseling.

You will understand

  • The historical relationship between psychology and Christianity.
  • The five views of the relationship between psychology and Christianity.
  • A Wesleyan perspective of integration.
  • Modern psychological theories in light of a biblical worldview.