Discover which classes are currently being offered and learn a little about each one.
Spring 2025
To register for classes you’ll need to do one of two things:
- matriculated students need to email your advisor and
- non-matriculated students need to register by clicking the button below.
Textbooks & Future Semesters
View the current booklist or explore what courses will be offered in future semesters in the GBSC Graduate Program course rotation schedule.
Old Testament Theology introduces you to the nature and significance of Old Testament Theology as a sub-discipline of Biblical Theology, identifying the methodological issues, limitations, and proper objectives of the discipline.
Special focus is given to the concept of covenant/promise and to the theological concepts that are specific to the Pentateuch, the Prophets, and the Writings.
The relationship between the Old Testament and the New Testament will be discussed, as well as methods for knowing Jesus through the Old Testament.
Using biblical-theological methods, students in this course will study Old and New Testament teachings on holiness, God’s ethical expectations, humanity’s problem, and God’s solution.
Capstone Course Prerequisite: This course is the capstone course for all GBSC MA programs. Unless waived by your advisor, all other program requirements must be met before taking this course.
Preaching the Synoptic Gospels is an exploration of the structural and literary devices by which Matthew, Mark and Luke each highlight and enrich their unique portraits of Jesus.
Emphasis will be placed on practical application of exegetical insights to expository preaching.
Biblical Theology of Christian Worship provides an overview of principles of Christian worship and examines the Bible’s concepts and practices of worship.
Planning and Leading Christian Worship
PRTH 521 || Dr. David Hartkopf
Planning and Leading Christian Worship equips students to plan and lead biblically-informed and historically-guided, Christian corporate worship.
Attention is given to the theological and philosophical underpinnings of a range of Christian worship actions, contextual considerations, wise navigation of change, and analysis of optimal practices in worship design and leadership.
Classes are discussion-based and the professor dialogues and coaches students in the design and implementation of corporate worship services.
An investigation of the various perspectives on the integration of Christian faith and counseling theory.
An overview of effective helping strategies used to provide ethical care and Christian counseling to those in distress.
Students will have the opportunity to develop theologically-sound skills that can be used in a variety of ministry contexts. Prerequisite: PRTH530
Conflict Management & Resolution explores the basic theories and concepts of conflict resolution: its philosophical and historical development, paradigms, structure and function, and issues and trends in the field.
It will examine ways to implement conflict management and resolution from a Biblical perspective into the students personal life, workplace, and ministry settings.
Students will investigate the theoretical and practical aspects of conflict assessment, negotiation, problem solving, mediation, and arbitration.
Planting and Refocusing Church
Planting and Refocusing Churches explores effective principles and methods for successfully starting a new church.
Special emphasis is placed on the vital role of spiritual disciplines in the lives of church planters. Students will cultivate spiritual growth through their daily devotions and participation in discipleship groups.
For those seeking to refocus an existing church, an option will be given to adapt some coursework toward that goal.
This course explores the rise and influence of contemporary Islam, reviews Islamic history, and presents the tenets of Islam and its cultural features.
Creation, Science, and the Problem of Pain analyzes how various approaches to origins, hermeneutics, science, and authority impact our understanding of the problem of evil.
Interpreting and Teaching Revelation
A study of the message of the Book of Revelation within its historical, cultural, and literary contexts. This class will use an English translation of Revelation.
Interpreting and Teaching the Gospel of John
PRTH 584 || Dr. Stephen Smith
A study of the message of the Gospel of John within its historical, cultural, and literary contexts. This class will use an English translation of John.
SYTH 610 || Dr. Mark Bird
A systematic study of the person and work of Christ, using biblical and historical sources.
The subject will be theologically grounded in the doctrine of God as a triune being, and a special focus will be given to ways Christology shapes worship.
We will also address current challenges to orthodox Christology.
Greek Exegesis: Romans consists of translation of and exegetical analysis in Greek of the epistle to the Romans, with special attention to how syntactical structures contribute to semantic analysis.
Translation and exegesis of Galatians using a prescribed step-by-step process.
Emphasis is placed on the dynamic of translation in the interpretive process as well as the relation of syntactical structures to the text’s meaning.